Machine learning for early dynamic prediction of functional outcome after stroke
Talk, CERN, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Talk, CERN, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Talk, KSSG, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Hepatorenal Syndrome (HRS-AKI).
Talk, GHOL, Nyon, Nyon, Switzerland
Réactions transfusionnelles.
Talk, GHOL, Nyon, Nyon, Switzerland
Allergies aux beta-lactames, concepts, conséquences et stratégies.
Talk, GHOL, Nyon, Nyon, Switzerland
Activité électrique sans pouls: du choc profond à l’asystole.
Talk, GHOL, Nyon, Nyon, Switzerland
Hypertension aigue: Urgences et Non-Urgences.
Talk, GHOL, Nyon, Nyon, Switzerland
Syndrome de renutrition inappropriée.
Talk, ESO-WSO 2020 Virtual Conference, Virtual & Vienna, Austria
Physiological evidence suggests that perfusion characteristics (vascular supply, collateral blood flow) of neighbouring brain regions can be highly correlated. We investigated whether integrating perfusion information from the area surrounding a given voxel (i.e. the receptive field) improves the prediction of infarction of this voxel.
Talk, Brain Lesion Workshop, MICCAI 2020, Virtual & Lima, Peru
Perfusion CT is widely used in acute ischemic stroke to determine eligibility for acute treatment, by defining an ischemic core and penumbra. In this talk held at the Brain Lesion Workshop at MICCAI 2020, we presented a novel way of building on prior information for the automatic prediction and segmentation of stroke lesions. We reformulate the task to identify differences from a prior segmentation by extending a three-dimensional Attention Gated Unet with a skip connection allowing only an unchanged prior to bypass most of the network. We show that this technique improves results obtained by a baseline Attention Gated Unet on both the Geneva Stroke Dataset and the ISLES 2018 dataset.
Talk, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Lombalgie chronique et poussées aigues en médecine de premier recours.